~~socialite:icon reddit googleplus stumbleupon twitter~~ =====at command===== The at command uses the following syntax at HH:MM MMDDYY >command to run >CTRL+D e.g. at 06:45 091014 >/bin/ks > /var/tmp/ls.out >CTRL+D At 06:45AM on the 9h October 2014, the ls command will run * **at -l** will list at commands waiting to run * **atrm jobid** will delete the at command waiting to run with the specified jobid **Still stuck? Maybe we can help.** Contact us [[https://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~01207a4bc438b48c6e|at Upwork]] Never miss a thing [[http://www.justsomestuff.co.uk/subscribe.php|subscribe to our newsletter]] {{glyphicon>envelope}} or follow us [[http://twitter.com/itsjustsomestuf|on twitter]] {{glyphicon>hand-left}} For more super cool techie stuff [[http://www.justsomestuff.co.uk/theblog|check out our blog!!]] ===Recent Changes=== {{changes>}} ====Contribute to this wiki==== Why not help others by sharing your knowledge? Contribute something to this wiki and [[http://www.justsomestuff.co.uk/hall_of_fame.html|join out hall of fame!]]\\ [[http://www.justsomestuff.co.uk/theblog/contact-page|Contact us]] for a user name and password