===== Linux Index ===== * Package Management * [[rpm_rebuild|Rebuilding the RPM Database]] * [[yum-repos|Working with YUM repos]] * [[satellite-adding-repos|Adding repos to RedHat Satellite]] * [[yum-security|Checking for critical security updates - RHEL]] * [[yum|Useful yum commands]] * Configuration Management * [[puppet|Puppet basics]] * [[puppet-fix|Fixing puppet certificate issues]] * [[puppet-testing|Puppet - debugging manifest errors]] * [[puppet_and_autoscaling|Using Puppet with AWS autoscaling EC2 instances]] * Kernel and drivers * [[add_driver|Adding a Driver to the Kernel Source]] * [[kernel|Building the kernel]] * [[lin_mod|Linux Modules]] * [[binary_module|Including a Binary_Module]] * storage and filesystems * [[swap_space|Adding Swap Space]] * [[linux_storage|Useful linux storage stuff]] * [[linux_lvm|Linux LVM Tips]] * [[linux_mirror|Mirroring disks - LVM & mdadm]] * [[linux_resize_lun|Resize a Linux LUN (LVM)]] * [[disk-space|Finding deleted files still using disk space]] * [[swap_space|Creating swap space]] * [[mount_cifs|Mounting a Windows Share]] * [[swap_resize|Resizing swap - smaller]] * [[fsck|fsck and controlling when it occurs]] * [[quotas|Using quotas with Linux]] * Boot and startup * [[bootdisk|Changing a Boot Disk Image]] * [[lin_bootseq|The linux boot sequence]] * [[chkconfig|chkconfig]] * [[grub2|About grub2]] * [[grub_recovery|Recovering from grub issues - LVM & mdadm]] * [[initramfs_and_initrd|initramfs, initrd and kdump]] * Networking * [[lan_card|Configuring a NIC Card]] * [[syn_tcp_timeout|Understanding TCP Syn timeout]] * [[bond|Creating a bonded interface]] * [[replacing-nic-cards|Replacing NIC cards - RHEL/CENTOS]] * security * [[fw-security|Setting up a ufw firewall]] * [[shadow|/etc/shadow and user entries]] * Miscellaneous * [[kvm|Linux KVM Notes]] * [[linux_printing|Useful linux printing commands]] * [[linux_memory_use|Checking memory utilisation]] * [[lib|Linux binaries and libraries]] * [[redhat7|The New Features in RedHat 7]] * [[virtualization:aws_builds|Automating AWS builds]] * [[shell_shortcuts|Useful shell history shortcuts]] * [[hp-system-manager-config|Setting up HPE System Manager on Linux]] * [[hponcfg|Using hponcfg to configure the HP ILO - RHEL]] * [[gmail-relay|Setting up gmail as a mail relay with 2 factor authentication enabled - Ubuntu]] * [[general:cron_tricks|Useful cron tricks]] * [[general:at|the at command]] ===Recent Wiki Changes=== {{changes>}} ====Contribute to this wiki==== Why not help others by sharing your knowledge? Contribute something to this wiki and [[http://www.justsomestuff.co.uk/hall_of_fame.html|join out hall of fame!]]\\ [[http://www.justsomestuff.co.uk/theblog/contact-page|Contact us]] for a user name and password